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Results found for "ALPHABET OF OTHER"

  • Hands Up if You Have a ‘Weird’ Body Hang-Up.

    thing about my hands is … they’re small (which I could deal with, and am quite okay with), but the other It’s got to the point where I envy other women’s more ‘feminine’ hands. These hands that I’ve high-fived, fist-bumped, clutched things, held other hands tightly, covered my And if you think otherwise you’re most welcome to talk to the… hand (yes I went there, sorry not sorry

  • #UnrestSA: The Why, The How and The What TF Next.

    How could we have expected anything other than this as an eventuality? represented a dream of somebody who came from nothing, to become the president of a country and to others Instead of debating and holding each other accountable, we need to hold those who have co-created, stoked The path we take now must be one where we take back our country for each other, and refuse to be helpless

  • Hot Noodz 🔥: Women in Business with Nabeela Flowers.

    From overcoming self-doubt to encouraging other women in business and refusing to be boxed in, we covered

  • Mental Health, Memes and Mangoes.

    Which was good, because I had a lot of things to think about in these regards, things that might otherwise slides that we shared, found comfort in, laughed despite ourselves at and used as evidence for each other Diagnosing others: Spending 3 hours a day on @yourexisanarcassist doesn’t make you a therapist nor does

  • Please Stop Trying to Cancel Call-Out Culture.

    In this extension of irony and hypocrisy we have men who abuse women calling out other men, keyboard One could also say that calling it ‘cancel culture’ at all is trivializing in itself” And yet on the other It unites us in outrage, and the kinship of disliking something together cannot be compared to any other Looking at the bigger picture, on the other side of a screen, one could easily further say otherwise

  • Legalising sex work is not a moral issue, it’s a human rights issue.

    that most sex workers are women of colour, providing the main source of income for their children and other

  • The Stompie Hotline is a Thing (and I Wish These Were Too).

    And in honour of this need to police this specific environmental faux pas, I’ve brainstormed a few other solution: report the guy to the CCGS along with your location, and they will promptly send a group of other

  • Your Reaction To This Girl’s #FeesMustFall Placard At Rocking The Daisies Could Say A Lot.

    And judging by the many shares their post got, neither do a lot of other people. So must other people. -5 points if you’ve ever said either I digress. doesn’t look good… -5 each It assumes that to fight for free education, you must be poor yourself, otherwise

  • The 7 Sex Sins.

    Envy Definition: resentfulness and a desire to possess what someone else/others have or enjoy. I’m only saying that because if, unlike you, they’re not comparing their sex lives to yours or others

  • Thanks For Not Biting

    inspiration often births creativity (but isn’t essential to it) and given social media, influence from other

  • From Home with Love: A Local Wishlist.

    artists (therefore strengthening the economy and positively impacting peoples' lives directly) the many other

  • Thanks For Not Biting.

    inspiration often births creativity (but isn’t essential to it) and given social media, influence from other

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